The Mystery Shopping Company| Market research | Shaw hotels

People over tonight for dinner I want to make them some kind of steak but I don't even know what kind also it's important how they treat you-you know, if you ask about an item not only do they Mystery Shopping Company know the answer but how are they treating you do you feel cared about do you feel important oh great thank you okay?

How long do you think that will last then Oh take good our nap oh fantastic that should be good after I was done with my mystery shopping tour. 

I checked in with owner Bob Lebon ready for my report yes sir well as far as your briefs go everyone could not have been named that's good news and try to hire higher level employees.

Oh I'm sorry can Market research I ask you one more question I'm looking for melon I also spoke with Luis Martinez who helped.

I am in the produce department did you know I was from NBC a mystery shopper no I did not who it was because you were so nice to me I'm always nice to everyone really I'm David Rees not try to be I felt like I was having a lesson in how to pick produce that's it.

Well that's how I was trained it may seem extreme but LaVon says that he wouldn't be able to get the same sense of his employees' performance by just watching himself or Mystery Shopping Company even by surveying his customers I just feel with associates and, customers a week there's no way that I could be on the floors of all my stores

So if I can get an outside bird's-eye view of how we're doing at a given time #Facebook it gives me a better perspective as to where.

We hopefully need to improve and in a world where consumers have too many choices customer service is more important than ever for stores like Laban's we've got to have the customers perspective because that's the key to retaining.

That customer surprisingly one of the keys to making mystery shopping work is to let your employees in on it you really need to let your employees know that there's gonna be a shop otherwise it's gonna backfire and they're gonna be resentful and feel spied on they bring mystery shoppers in here.


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